Jolibet Privacy Policy

Jolibet respects all players’ privacy and the casino’s first priority is always to secure all recorded player data and keep bad actors from gaining access to them on the casino’s end. This is because of the growing threat of bad actors stealing sensitive information and using them.

Privacy Policy

All sensitive information sent by registered users are sent via safety gateway (Data Encryption Standard SSL 128 bit) and cached in secure off-site locations for backups and data redundancy. Additionally, access to all recorded information either through internal or external access is tightly monitored to keep track of which people had access to such information.

Jolibet reserves the right to provide a registered user’s information to basic payment service providers, financial institutions, and other relevant parties for the platform to be able to continuously provide its services. Even with this reservation, it’s worth remembering that the main purpose of this privacy policy is to protect player information by preventing third parties from gaining access to them with the exception of select relevant parties.

Privacy Policy: Website Information

Privacy Policy: Website Information

All internal casino information is secured in the platform and no external party is allowed to have access to them. Any party that gains access to the information with the explicit exception of authorized personnel in Jolibet are prohibited from copying, modifying, reissuing, distributing, and using said information. This ensures that no party will have access to said information and misuse them.

Privacy Policy: User Data Collected

Privacy Policy: User Data Collected

The initial information collected during the registration process is limited to the username the player will register with, the password, and the user’s mobile number. After registration, the platform will also prompt the player to provide additional information, including the following:

  • Full Name – during verification or setting up transaction methods
  • Withdrawal PIN – during setting up withdrawal methods
  • ID – during verification
  • Email
  • Date of birth

The casino does not bind any banking information to a user account so gamblers will be able to use different transaction methods for withdrawals.

How Jolibet Uses Collected Information

How Jolibet Uses Collected Information

Jolibet only uses the information it collects to verify user identity and ensure that the following are using the platform:

  • Live person
  • Person of valid age
  • First-time user with no other account registered in the platform
  • Persons permitted to possess an account in the platform

This information is kept secure within the platform and the data is not provided to third parties with the exception of financial institutions, law enforcement, and other relevant parties. 

How Jolibet Protects Data

Jolibet protects all the data it has collected using 128 Bit SSL Encryption, firewalls, and restrictive access control. These helps ensure that cybercriminals are prevented from gaining access to sensitive information in the platform and to prevent any inside job data leaks from occurring.

How Jolibet Protects Data

Should user information be ever compromised due to data breaches and data leaks, Jolibet will inform all users of the breach to allow them to secure their funds and other accounts that use the same login credentials from any other attacks from cybercriminals. Additionally, should bad actors do gain access to accounts, all funds stored within the account are secured by the user’s withdrawal PIN code.

Should bad actors do gain access to an account, affected users must contact Jolibet customer support for assistance.